There’s a right way and a wrong way to do a vehicle launch, especially through a distributor. The wrong way includes drawn out product demos and extensive PowerPoints proclaiming the “innovative” characteristics of the newest vehicle from _____...
Just what is this carmaker trying to pull? Old folks don’t know what to do with the flashy and powerful models, young folks fear association with an old folks brand, and the middle-aged don’t want all that bling. It used to be very simple: V8 in the front,...
Well it’s been some time since anything has come out of the pipeline here on the MPH blog, so here’s some insight into what’s coming up. After some considerable research and planning, I have redirected and narrowed the focus of MilesPerHr. Now,...
Everyone has heard the Idiom “Trying to run before you can walk”. Well that just about sums up how MilesPerHr has been initially. I took to the internet social media and blogosphere with an enormous passion for the automotive world but little else. Things...
(no particular order) 1) 2011 Ford Fiesta: cool new look, loaded with ford features, europe loved it, great reviews, 32mpg, starting at $14k, under a badge that’s going places. 2) 2010 Honda Civic- the cars have amazing reliability, great styling, and with the...