**A Milesperhr Exclusive** Let’s talk about sports cars. First, a definition: a sports car sacrifices utility for driving pleasure, comfort for cornering speed, fuel-efficiency for fun-factor. A sports car has been a purpose-built tool without any concessions to added...
There’s a right way and a wrong way to do a vehicle launch, especially through a distributor. The wrong way includes drawn out product demos and extensive PowerPoints proclaiming the “innovative” characteristics of the newest vehicle from _____...
-Objective three: To heighten brand visibility for the primary and secondary audiences from televised content by 80% by December 2012, at a cost of $500,000. 1) Product Placement in season 8 of Curb Your Enthusiasm. This show could be a great opportunity for...
** Part 5 of an 8-part Bentley Motors Campaign Plan** -Objective two: To increase Bentley vehicle video sharing and feedback 120% by June 2012 at a cost of $400,000. 1) Launch a user-generated video contest for aspiring owners to describe, in three minutes or less,...
TACTICS -Objective one: To increase interaction with primary and secondary audiences by 20% within the mobile communication arena by January 2012, at a cost of $10,000. 1) Build a mobile application which features a beautiful UI interface and...