Digital Trends attended the launch of BMW’s ReachNow mobility service in Seattle and experienced first-hand what the automaker has planned for cities across North America. Here’s our take on the all-new...
**A Milesperhr Exclusive** Let’s talk about sports cars. First, a definition: a sports car sacrifices utility for driving pleasure, comfort for cornering speed, fuel-efficiency for fun-factor. A sports car has been a purpose-built tool without any concessions to added...
-Objective three: To heighten brand visibility for the primary and secondary audiences from televised content by 80% by December 2012, at a cost of $500,000. 1) Product Placement in season 8 of Curb Your Enthusiasm. This show could be a great opportunity for...
In a special feature, Maurice Rahmey of BU PRSSA and I debate two ideologies for consumer marketing and branding. (1) give the customers what they want (Tony Hsieh) OR (2) give them something they should want (Henry Ford) I will take the Henry Ford viewpoint: Henry...
A MilesPerHr Feature: I’ve been reading a remarkable book by Jay Elliot, entitled, “The Steve Jobs Way.” The theme of the book suggests Mr. Jobs turned Apple into such a successful company because each new product he created was molded strictly based...